Researchers led by Rush University found RUSH A research university in Chicago found that adults who eat strawberries have fewer tau proteins in their brains, and tau proteins appear in higher

concentrations in people with Alzheimer’s disease, noting that this suggests that strawberries can help prevent the disease, but he cautioned that the study It was observational, and that more work was needed to support the findings.

Scientists claimed that eating strawberries can help protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease by reducing inflammation. A team of researchers led by Rush University in Chicago, Illinois,

found that adults over the age of 65 who ate fruit regularly had fewer proteins. tau in their brains.

Strawberries are one of the most important sources of pelangonidin, which is believed to be anti-inflammatory, and other foods are berries, beans, peaches, and radishes.

Strawberries Reduce Encephalitis And Stop The Development Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Published last week in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, the study looked at the brain of 575 deceased patients with an average age of 91.

None had Alzheimer’s disease for more than two decades before their death. Each of them filled out an annual survey of their diet allowing researchers to

keep track of the condition. Their cognitive ability was tested annually, autopsy results showed that among the group that ate the most strawberries, the lowest concentration of tau proteins was observed..

The study authors also said they found no association between tau levels and those with the gene APOE-4 which is believed to increase the risk of disease.

Explaining the findings, Dr Julie Schneider, the neurologist who led the paper said: ‘We suspect that the anti-inflammatory properties of pelargonidine may reduce general neuroinflammation,

which may reduce cytokine production.“explained, Cytokines are proteins produced by cells that can trigger an inflammatory response.

The newspaper said that inflammation in the brain may be caused by many factors, including lack of sleep, infections and extreme stress. These are also risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease..

Dr Pooja Agarwal, a nutritional epidemiologist, who was also involved in the research, said it was a “small change” anyone could make to their diet.

She added, “More research is needed to understand the role of nutrition in Alzheimer’s disease, but this study gives us hope in how certain food components such as berries may help with brain health.”.

And she explained, Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating condition that affects more than 6.5 million Americans,

and by 2050, this number is expected to double, early signs include difficulties remembering recent events, conversations, or where you left something.

But in later stages, patients may repeat themselves or ask over and over, get lost in familiar places and have trouble finding the right words to identify things.

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