When you say “yogurt” and “bones,” calcium should pop into your head. However, there are more nutrients in yogurt needed for bone health,

which is why Greek yogurt from cow’s milk tops the list as the best yogurt for strong bones, find out What does Greek yogurt do to help keep your bones healthy? eat this“.

And think about the types of yogurt that are preferred to be used in a diet to lose weight and get rid of the accumulated fat in the body, especially in the abdominal area,

but care must be taken when choosing the types that contain a percentage of fat. and protein, and they should be low in calories as well.

Siggi’s Icelandic Style Strained Non-Fat Vanilla Yogurt is one of the best types of yogurt that is preferred to be used in the diet, because of its distinctive and delicious vanilla flavor, and it is similar to the types of Greek yogurt. This type contains all of the following:

Calories: 100 calories.
Sodium: 60 milligrams.
Carbohydrates: 11 grams.
Sugar: 9 grams.
Protein: 14 grams.
The nutrients your bones need

To keep your bones strong and healthy, the nutrients your body needs include calcium, vitamin D,

protein, and magnesium. If you don’t get enough calcium from food (or supplements), your body will take the calcium it needs from your bones, weakening them. Vitamin D is essential for calcium

absorption. In the gut, while magnesium helps regulate the balance of calcium and vitamin D, there is also good evidence that phosphorous, vitamin A, and potassium can help.

Phosphorous helps neutralize acidic foods that can be harmful to your bones, and some potassium salts neutralize acids that come from Metabolic processes in the body, and vitamin A affects the building and breaking of bones.

How does Greek yogurt affect your bones?

Greek yogurt is made by filtering traditional yogurt to remove the liquid whey resulting in a thicker, creamier yogurt. Compared to traditional yogurt (which is also very healthy),

Greek yogurt contains twice the amount of protein at 15 grams per serving and about 14% less lactose (good for you). (for lactose intolerant) it also provides 170 milligrams of calcium per serving and is full of live, active cultures that aid in gut health. .

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How much should I consume?

The Dietary Guidelines 2020-2025 for Americans recommends three servings of milk and dairy products (such as yogurt) each day.

A study published in 2017 found a link between consumption of milk and dairy products (including yogurt) and a reduced risk of hip fractures in the elderly.

It should be noted that only cow’s milk and soy yogurt are part of the dairy group because they contain

many nutrients, although As such, do not count other plant-based “yogurts” in your daily ration of dairy products as they lack many of the nutrients listed above..

You can certainly consume three cups of Greek yogurt a day, but you can also mix and match cow’s milk,

soy drink and cheese to meet your three daily servings to get the nutrients you need to keep your bones healthy.

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