An adult is supposed to sleep at least 7 hours to rejuvenate and maintain his health,

however, it is noticed that people between the ages of 18 and 29 only sleep about 4 to 5 hours a day.

With our fast lives, the number of hours of sleep is relatively reduced, and in turn, our bodies lack this connection, so we tend to feel sleepy when we are not supposed to..

Drowsiness in the office is one of the main concerns of many adults, and the main reason for this is the fact that adults tend to spend most of their time in offices,

according to the website onlymyhealth“When a person does not get enough sleep at night and begins working in the office, they become more tired, which can interfere with falling asleep in the office..

Tips for managing daytime drowsiness in the office

A dose of caffeine is your best friend if you feel sluggish in the office. Coffee will help increase energy levels in your body which in turn will get work done at a faster pace.

Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it will increase the activity of the brain and nervous system in the body,

and coffee may also help improve The thought process and mental functioning of a person which will help fight drowsiness. It is important to understand that you do not overdo your intake because it can over-stimulate and make you feel jittery.
10 minute snooze
If you can’t sit at work and you’re constantly dozing off, you are probably suffering from extreme sleep

deprivation or fatigue. The best way to fight the craving is to do what your body is trying to strive for.

A power nap is a very short daytime nap that is meant to give you more or less energy.

The ideal snooze is between 10 to 20 minutes. Simply close your eyes for a while and relax your mind and body. Don’t forget to set an alarm so you don’t sleep too much.

Work in the luminous area
One of the main reasons why a person feels sleepy in the office is the lack of proper lighting around his workplace, so, to overcome the feeling of drowsiness while working, you have to sit near the area with proper lighting.

Spray cold water or turn on the fan
Water helps a lot to say goodbye to drowsiness, if you feel very sleepy during working hours, splash some cold water on your face, leave it for some time and then dry it,

it is also suggested that you go and sit under a fan so that a cool temperature is maintained in your body and around the area adjacent to you. Just like the wind, the cool air of a fan will increase alertness

5. Eat a light lunch
If you deal with frequent daytime sleepiness, eating a heavy lunch could make it worse. Do your best to stay away from sugary snacks, sodas, or carbohydrates like white bread and white pasta.

Eat a light lunch to keep your energy up. You want to feel satisfied but not stuffed.

As you pack your lunch, choose healthier sources of energy. This includes boiled eggs, chicken, berries, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains.

6. Keep your workspace bright
If you’re fortunate to work in a space with windows, open the shades and let in some natural light. Sunlight in your office can increase alertness and energy.

If you don’t have a window near your workspace, get permission to bring in a lightbox and position it near your desk. This emits a low level of UV light and helps regulate your wake cycle so you feel less sleepy.

7. Splash cold water on your face
If you’re struggling to stay awake at work, go to the bathroom and splash cold water on your face. This quick and simple hack can reenergize you and provide a much-needed pick-me-up.

Step outside after you splash your face if it’s a breezy day. The cool air against your face can increase your alertness.

8. Turn on a fan
You might want to invest in a fan for your office space or desktop if you deal with daytime sleepiness.

When you’re feeling sleepy, point the fan in your direction and turn it on full blast. Just like the natural breeze outside, the cool air of the fan can increase your alertness.

9. Stay busy
Daytime sleepiness can be intensified by too much downtime. Depending on the nature of your job, you may have periods when you have fewer responsibilities.

Without much to do, you may start to feel even more tired. Ask your boss for some light responsibilities, if possible. You might be able to assist with overflow work.

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